Dopamine receptors agonist to treat Parkinson's disease

 Dopamine receptors agonist to treat Parkinson's disease

What if there are advanced cases of Parkinson's disease, will we remain on Levodopa and Carbidopa? Drugs that act as agonists on dopamine receptors have been discovered and developed, including ergot dopamine (Bromocriptine) and nonergot dopamine (Rotigotine, Apomorphine, Ropinirole, Pramipexole).


  • Such medications are prescribed for advanced cases of Parkinson's disease patients. 
  •  There are patients who did not take Levodopa at first, as they may develop advanced motor deficits that lead to death. 
  •  It is also given to patients who started treatment with Levodopa and it did not give results and the condition developed. 
  •  Some doctors started taking it to prevent the worsening of advanced cases and illnesses, as some patients who started taking Levodopa developed medical problems.
  • This class of medicine is considered to have a longer duration of activity in the body than Levodopa. 
  •  An alternative to Levodopa in case of fluctuations in response to the drug.
  •   It is used to treat acute Parkinson's disease and stop symptoms.  
  • The dose of Levodopa should be reduced when using dopamine receptor agonist.

Side effects:

  • This group of medications affects blood pressure, causing it to suddenly decrease. 
  •  Lethargy and a feeling of fatigue, and from this we conclude dizziness, blurred vision, constipation due to lack of movement, dizziness in the head, shortness of breath, and vomiting.

Drug-Drug interactions:

  •  Cimetidine was withdrawn from the market due to its drug interactions. It either increases toxicity or reduces effectiveness, and here it will affect Pramipexole, increasing its effectiveness and duration in the blood, leading to toxicity, so it is prohibited to give it in combination.
  • Patients with urinary problems must be treated with caution when giving Pramipexole because it is excreted in the urine.


  • If a person is not completely affected by Levodopa, he will not respond to this family.
  • Ropinirole and Pramipexole are taken orally, Rotigotine and Apomorphine are taken intravenously once a day.


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