Treatment of Parkinson's disease (MAO type B inhibitor).

 Treatment of Parkinson's disease (MAO type B inhibitor).

We will track everything that affects dopamine, from the beginning of its release from factories to its arrival at receptors, passing through the synapse, and exposure to metabolites that transform it into an inactive form, such as DOPAC and HVA.

Mechanism of action: 

The metabolism of dopamine, which occurs due to monoamine oxidase type B, must be inhibited. 

 Through the drug selegiline, which works to inhibit the MAO type B inhibitor specifically to increase the level of dopamine in the body in small to medium doses. Rasagiline is classified as working on the same mechanism, but its connection is irreversible.

MAO type B inhibitor receptors have always been found. Are there any type A receptors?

Of course, there is another enzyme of the same class, but of type A, which metabolizes some other neurotransmitters, not dopamine, including (serotonin and norepinephrine).

Uses of Selegiline and Rasagiline: 

Since these two medications work to prevent the metabolism of dopamine, it is preferable to give them with dopamine in its forms to give more benefit. For example, it is taken with Levodopa in small doses and is monitored.

Side Effects: 

Because it prevents dopamine from being metabolized, it will remain in the blood in the original form of dopamine, and because the presence of the neurotransmitter leads to high blood pressure, this treatment, if given in large doses, will affect and lead to the risk of severe high blood pressure (hypertension crisis).

There are some careful precautions:

In the nature of things in general, the weaker one causes less harm, but as long as it is related to the drug and its kinetics, the rule will differ here as follows: 

Rasagiline is five times stronger than selegiline, but the advantage of Rasagiline is that it will not be metabolized into methamphetamine, unlike selegiline, which will affect sleep and cause insomnia. After it is metabolized to methamphetamine.


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