The role of the lungs in drug delivery


The role of the lungs in drug delivery

  • The lungs are considered an important route for drug delivery to the main central system in the body and the blood, as they are characterized by the presence of very many capillaries that lead to a great speed of spread and the extent of spread.
  • The pulmonary route of the drugs is represented in a systemic form throughout the body, so one should beware of their side effects.

Why did he give medicines directly to the ؟

  • lungs despite the presence of a mouth Sometimes the medicine is sensitive to the acidity of the stomach and intestines, and it cannot be coated because it may reduce its effectiveness. 
  •  Metabolism of the drug when ingested orally using enzymes of the liver, stomach and intestines leads to not giving full efficacy. 
  •  Poor absorption and pharmacokinetics.

What are the advantages of taking medicine through the lungs?

  •  It is one of the most densely packed organs and capillaries in the body. The large number of capillaries indicates that the surface area is wide for absorption. The speed of absorption has an effect on the response, the speed of the reaction, the beginning of movement, and activity in potency.

What are the benefits of a medicated inhaler?

  • All bronchial diseases are treated by pulmonary inhalation, such as asthma, bronchitis, small and large bronchi, alveoli, thoracic edema, and fibrosis.
  • It is important to take the drug by inhalation to deliver the drug directly and give an immediate result for long-term relief and treatment.


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