• One of the most important things that must be tested is the dissolution test to find out the time required for the tablet to turn into a solution and the transition from its state to a complete state to start absorption and distribution with attention to the physiological in terms of its test acidity, temperature and quality of the liquid that will be tainted by comparison with the stomach .
  • Whether from capsules, tablets or ointments, the dissolution test process is very important in knowing the time of bioavailability processes in the body.
  • Pay attention to the specific circumstances when switching medication.

Dissolution test for a solid oral drug : 

  • This is done with a device that is instilled in a solution suitable for the drug to be tested, for example an acidic or alkaline drug or water at a normal body temperature of 37 and around.
  • The tablets, capsules, and granules are dissolved, and the hardness and stability percentage begins to be measured for each unit, and the changes of the 6 samples in the machine must have the same characteristics.

Summary of the factors affecting the dissolution test:

  1.  pH of the solution in which the machine is infused. 
  2.  The ionic strength of the solution.  
  3. The interaction of water with the pill, especially at the beginning of the shock.  
  4. The amount of solvent so that the proportion of the dissolved drug, for example, is 10 percent only in the medium of dissolution, and so on.  
  5. The type, strength and accuracy of the machines.
  6. The components and their adhesion to each other in the components of the tablet or capsule or any of the pharmaceutical forms can have an effect on the dissolution of the drug.  
  7. The method of making a pill and the efficiency and accuracy of the method in the industry.  
  8. The quality of the components.  
  9. element proportions.  
  10. The size of the constituent particles. 
  11.  outside look.


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