Manufacture of powder for inhalation

 Manufacture of powder for inhalation

One of the most important things that must be paid attention to is the amount of air entering, which will push the powder to flow through the respiratory tract, in a sufficient and appropriate amount, provided that it is not excessive, so the mixture goes to the throat without homogeneity in the granules, and that it is not small, so the granules do not disintegrate inside the device, and they remain in a state of dormancy.

Should the granules travel in all the bronchi and bronchioles in the same degree and quantity and reach the entire respiratory system?  

No, because there is a large bartacle that was added as a carrier, so you will not be able to reach the small bronchioles and alveoli. Each bartacle will stop to a certain extent and you will not be able to progress further.

The success of the important thing depends on: 

The efficiency of adhesion of the large granules called the carrier to the small powder, and vice versa, the ability of the small powder to separate from the particle in the bronchi and peripheral bronchioles during inhalation of the drug.

Substances are added to the granules to stick to them, and certain places remain on the pregnant particle in which the drug sticks, so it adjusts to the date of its release and its arrival at the appropriate place.


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