Inhalation of the dry powder

 Inhalation of the dry powder

The powder used in dry powder inhalers must be of a specific size, neither large nor small, so that no agglomeration occurs in the event that it is very small, and if it is large, sedimentation occurs, so within a certain range, it is always preferable.

The aspirator is usually microscopic and if it is high powered and small in particle size it gives a weaker flow.

What are the physical effects involved in particle flow? 

 The roughness and softness of the particle.

  The consistency of the size of the granules so that no sedimentation occurs.  

outside look .

  The weight of the particle that affects the inner and outer density.  

The softness and hardness of the powder.

Are all granules to be inhaled the same size, shape and characteristics?

 If we think a little, we would find that when the flower is all soft, it will become agglomerated and sticky between the granules and induction interactions, so it will become shipments, and it will become cakey, and it will be difficult for it to flow into the lungs and bronchi to be reached.

It must contain large granules and small granules, so the large one is like a carrier for the small one to facilitate its flow, rolling, and arrival to its location, as the small powder sticks to the large granules and has less charges and mixes well and homogenizes, so the whole process improves.


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