Direct compression of tablets

 Direct compression of tablets 


They are tablets for a mixture of excipients with active pharmaceutical without granulation and aggregation process and with one or more excipients.

Excipients may include:

Dry binder

Lubricant ( such as: magnesium stearate)

Disintegrant ( such as: starch) 

Glidant ( such as: silicone dioxides )

Diluent ( such as: spray dried lactose )

Flavouring agent

Direct compression on granulation has many advantages, including saving time and reducing the process steps these advantages include:

1- One of the most important advantages of direct compression granulation is that it is more economical and saves money in tablet forming operations.

2- Reducing the process time required for the manufacture of a pharmaceutical tablet, so that direct compression saves the time for manufacturing and forming the drug more than granulation, which requires many processes, including wet granulation, then dry granulation, and then granulation to produce. Therefore, granulation processes consume a lot of time due to the multiplicity of steps used in the granulation process.

3- Avoid moisture and heat for wet granulation.


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