Types of tablets ( Vaginal Tablets, Hypodermic Tablets and Multiple compressed tablets )

 Types of tablets ( Vaginal Tablets, Hypodermic Tablets and Multiple compressed tablets )

1- Hypodermic Tablets: 

Tablets of this type shall contain drugs and excipients of high purity and the tablets shall not be highly compressed and dissolve freely in water for use in the preparation of a solution for injection.

Such tablets must be manufactured under sterile conditions and the machines used in manufacturing must be cleaned continuously to avoid contamination.

Tablets should be dissolved in only 1-2 ml of sterile water for injection preparation.

One example of this type of tablet is tablet triturates, which contain morphine sulfate.

2- Multiple compressed tablets: 

They are compressed tablets that are manufactured through more than one cycle of compression processes, in other words, a tablet within a tablet or layers within other layers of tablets, where drugs are released in several stages after taking the tablets.

Examples of Multiple compressed tablets are: aspirin and paracetamol.

3- vaginal tablets: 

Such types are used to treat fungal and bacterial infections in women, as they are prepared by compression and placed in the vagina using an applicator. They have many forms such as ovoid or bullet that are uncoated and intended to give a local effect.

Types Of Tablets:

  • Oral Compressed Tablets
  • Medicated lozenges
  • Effervescent Tablets
  • Sublingual Tablets
  •  Buccal Tablets
  • Chewable Tablets
  • Hypodermic Tablets
  • Solution Tablets
  • Vaginal tablets
  • Multiple compressed tablets


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